The Lee’s Summit Housing Authority (LSHA) will accept bids from qualified persons or firms for the
Duncan Estates Exterior Remodel project in accordance with the attached drawings and specifications.
Bids must be received by Veritas architecture + design 707 N. 6th Street Kansas City, Kansas 66101
before February 28, 2023 @2:00 p.m. at which time and place all bids will be opened and read aloud
The scope of work consists of providing all labor, transportation, equipment and materials for the
Duncan Estates Exterior Remodel project as mentioned and shown in the drawings and specifications.
This project will replace all siding, trim, fascia, soffits, gutters, downspouts, windows, exterior light
fixtures and exterior doors for specific units listed in the drawings and specifications.
Funding has been made available under the United States Department of Housing and Urban
Development Capital Fund Program (CFP) and under a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG)
program and must meet all applicable requirements for the CFP and CDBG grants and comply with the
President’s Executive Order number 11246.
Bidding documents are available with 24 hours of notice. To request a digital (PDF) or hard (print) copy
of bidding documents and any addendums or notices of information documents contact:
Travis Willson
Veritas architecture + design
Hard (print) copies require a $50.00 refundable deposit; digital copies are also available for a $25.00
non-refundable and both can be obtained at:
ArchiDigital Blueprint & Imaging
521-A SE 2nd Street
Lee’s Summit, MO 64063
(816) 524-7120
Bidders are encouraged to view the work and complete field measurements during a pre-bid conference
set for February 7, 2023 @9:00 a.m. at the project site in Lee’s Summit, MO. It is the responsibility of
interested firms to check with the LSHA, for any addendums prior to the due date for this Bid. All
addenda must be signed and included with submitted Bid.
The cutoff date for any questions for this bid is February 21, 2023 @5:00p.m.
All questions shall be directed to:
Travis Willson
Veritas architecture + design
Wages for work under this contract shall comply with the Prevailing Wage Rates as determined by
Federal requirements of Davis-Bacon Wage Rates. The Contractor and his subcontractors will be obliged
not to discriminate in employment practices. The non-discrimination stipulations and Equal
Opportunities clauses are included in the contract documents. Please note the most up-to-date
prevailing wage determination is also included in the contract documents. Prior to signing a contract,
The Lee’s Summit Housing Authority will check for any updated wage determinations and will provide
them to the contractor.
For any contract greater than $5,000, the successful bidder shall comply with § 285.530 RSMo, as
amended, and by sworn affidavit affirming that it does not knowingly employ any person who is an
unauthorized alien and provision of documentation affirm its enrollment and participation in a federal
work authorization program with respect to employees working in connection with this contract. The
required documentation must be from the federal work authorization program provider. Letter from
contractors reciting compliance is not sufficient.
The Lee’s Summit Housing Authority reserves the right to reject any and all bids, to waive technical
defects in bids, and to select the bid(s) deemed most advantageous to the Lee’s Summit Housing
Authority. No bid shall be withdrawn for a period of sixty (60) calendar days subsequent to the opening
of bids without the consent of Lee’s Summit Housing Authority.
Lee’s Summit Housing Authority.
Erik Berg, Executive Director
111 SE Grand Avenue
Lee’s Summit, MO 64063
(816) 524-1100